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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 1:30 AM

Elgin Methodist Church held Charter Day

On Sunday, Oct. 22, Elgin Methodist Church received 87 Christians as charter members into the new church. These founding members will be recorded into the history of the church that began in May of this year, and is now a local affiliate of the Global Methodist Church.
On Charter Day, members of the Elgin Methodist Church congregation gather for service. Courtesy photo
On Charter Day, members of the Elgin Methodist Church congregation gather for service. Courtesy photo

On Sunday, Oct. 22, Elgin Methodist Church received 87 Christians as charter members into the new church. These founding members will be recorded into the history of the church that began in May of this year, and is now a local affiliate of the Global Methodist Church.

The church began when a group of 12 met in May, feeling called to plan a Bible-based Methodist church, in the Wesleyan tradition, in the Elgin area. Reaching out to a local church for use of their fellowship hall, they were provided with a location to hold their first gathering the following Sunday evening.

Having sent out email invitations to family and friends, they were pleased to have 55 people for their first singalong worship gathering Sunday evening, May 21. They began with praise songs, followed by a devotion, and then filled the fellowship hall in the Bethlehem Lutheran location with spirit-filled singing.

Retired Pastor Greg Long has led the new church in worship as interim pastor as plans for the future of the church are being made. Sunday School classes for all ages have begun and Pastor Greg is leading Bible study on Wednesday evenings. The church provides senior lunches, open to the community at noon every first and third Wednesday of each month.

The Elgin Methodist Church congregation has been blessed and awed seeing the Holy Spirit at work in their midst as they welcome more people into the strong church family. They welcome all who come, knowing people need the Lord and the company of other believers. They want to share with all in need of hope and the love of Jesus Christ. They strive to meet the spiritual needs of people in the community, to make full use of the gift God has given them, shining God’s love and light in this community. The Elgin area is growing and the church wants to grow with it, hoping people will come to see what they are about.

Thanks to the gracefilled generosity of the congregation at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, who had allowed building use Sunday evenings, the new congregation has continued to meet at that location. The Lutheran congregation not only allowed them use of the fellowship hall, but graciously offered to move their own Sunday morning worship to an hour earlier, to allow the new church to hold worship in the sanctuary at 11 a.m. at 17900 Lund Carlson Rd. in northwest Elgin.

The EMC congregation voted July 30, to become affiliated with the Global Methodist Church, a denomination rooted and grounded in the scriptures and in the historic teachings of the Christian church. In August, the congregation was accepted into the Mid-Texas Conference of the GMC.

The Global Methodist Church is growing worldwide including Europe, Eurasia, Africa, Philippines and here in the United States.

Church members have been working together to meet the needs in each season of the church. They believe the power of God is at work and can do far more than they can imagine. Their recent Harvest Festival was successful, and plans are already underway for the Advent season and a Children’s Christmas pageant.

The congregation will plan their vision for the coming year and beyond. They are excited and encouraged by all the folks that have joined them in this new congregation as they strive to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly. They are eager to see what the Lord has in store for the new church.


