This column represents the thoughts and opinions of Dr. Ron Braley. This is not the opinion of the Elgin Courier.
In part one, I wrote that God wants His children unified as one diverse but single Body. In part two, I explained why this is primarily absent today: Human religion. Can we return to an authentic Christianity that shared Communion elements, pr ior it ized devot ion over format and unified despite minor differences? Maybe. Let’s begin our reunification journey by separating essential from non-essential beliefs and practices.
Big-T versus little-t truths. Some things are absolute “Big-T” truths. For instance, a Son of God was sacrificed as a son of man to reconcile us to God. He arose three days later, giving us hope. But, how we practice commemorating Jesus’ death and our new covenant with God is a subjective “little-t” thing. The same holds for how we’re baptized or praise God. Don’t get your underwear in a twist over these things, but understand and appreciate the differences. This requires education.
Education. We shun what we don’t understand. Education can resolve thi s. What Big-T truths should we stick to? Why do some churches practice little- t things like baptism, Communion or praise differently? We should know. Some Christians use icons or pictures to focus prayers and worship. You might assume they’re worshipping idols if you don't know the truth. Additionally, people and churches can contribute to reunification.
People. Here are things individuals can do to reduce disunity and be better ambassadors to God’s Kingdom:
•Become educated: Understand where religious traditions came f rom and pr ior it ize Christ’s Law of Love above them. Engage others in dialogue about beliefs and practices.
•Appreciate little-t differences, and don’t shun people for them.
•Participate in community love efforts.
•Help with community disaster recovery efforts.
Churches. Disunity is fixed here! Prioritize reunification and Christian community by doing these things:
•Be transparent about your traditions and prioritize biblical, not human, practices and Christ’s Law of Love.
•Hold communit y training in Big-T stuff such as biblical languages, bible study principles, history and the Scriptures.
•Facilitate community praise events.
•Facilitate community evangelistic efforts (focusing on Big-T fundamentals!).
Encourage dialogue with Christians outside your church; perhaps have speakers share their practices to break down barriers.
Collaborate on community love and recovery efforts.
Unity examples. Here are examples of unification and love over religion:
•A local Thursday night home-based fellowship comprises Catholic, Baptist, Church of Christ and non-denominational members who enjoy prayer, Communion, testimonies and interactive learning. We also charitably love each other and, collectively, the community.
•Mu lt i- de nomi n a tional pregnancy centers that show Christ’s love while working to mitigate abortion.
•Multiple churches serving the community t hrough Shepherd’s Heart.
The earliest Church, diverse but loving and irreligious.
Summary. Churches must unite in Big-T truths, while enjoying diverse lit t le-t practices through education and love. What’s next? Learn how original Christianity as a costly faith flourished because of godly modeling and endurance under incredible pressure — not praise bands, light shows, motivational speakers or other consumeristic attractions. Meanwhile, be an active and collaborative member of Christ’s Body.
God’s blessings and peace, Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.
Braley, an Air Force veteran, husband and father, earned a master of divinity degree from Regent University in 2018 and a doctor of ministry from the same school in 2021.