Local Christian leaders are invited to gather next week for a time of inspiration, connection and followship alongside a respected figure in community-focused faith.
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Elgin will host Bishop Emeritus Jon Anderson, director of rural ministry at Luther Seminary, for a special speaking engagement Friday, Jan. 31, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The gathering at 401 E. Eighth St. is open to both clergy and laypersons and includes a complimentary lunch.
“Offering an opportunity to engage with Bishop Anderson’s insights on rural ministry and leadership, it’s a time to not only learn, but also c on ne ct wi t h ministry colleagues over a meal,” St. Peter’s Pastor Sam Brannon said, emphasizing the importance of community and collaboration in ministry. “Don’t miss this chance to be inspired, equipped and reconnected with the local Christian community.”
Anderson joined the seminary in 2021 after concluding his term as bishop of the Southwes tern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In his role, he leads efforts to strengthen the seminary’s academic programs and resources for rural congregation heads through its Faith+Lead platform, according to the organization.
His special i zed experience comes from having grown up on a dairy farm and ser v ing as bishop of a primari ly rural synod since 2003. Before becoming a bishop, he served in various pastoral roles, i nc ludi ng assoc iate pastor at Kinsmen Lutheran Church in Houston and lead pastor at Christ the King Lutheran Church in New Ulm, Minnesota.
An alumnus of Luther Seminary, Anderson earned his Master of Divinity there in 1985.
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP to ensure adequate preparations, contact Pastor Sam pastor@ stpeterselgin.org for more information.