JAN. 30
WT A&M GATHERING AUSTIN — Central Texas Buffs are invited to hoist a pint with their fellow West Texas A&M University graduates. The WT Alumni Association and the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business will jointly host a social event at 5:30 p.m., Jan. 30, at Zilker Brewing Co., 1701 E. Sixth St. in Austin. Attendees will get two free drinks. To register, visit wtamu.az1.qualtrics. com/jfe/form/ SV_5iEwCTCh7u7NqHY.
JAN. 31-FEB. 1
BASTROP MARDI GRAS BASTROP — The city’s celebration of cultural exchange returns for its second year, as Bastrop TX Mardi Gras will bring Cajun traditions downtown. The event will highlight colorful costumes, vibrant music and communal traditions with a parade, Mardi Gras Ball and Gumbo Cook-Off, alongside live performances and entertainment. The parade will begin its tour Feb. 1 at 10 a.m., visit hbastroptxmardigras. com for more information.
JAN. 31-FEB. 1
BASTROP — “Shakespeare in Love,” directed by Gretchen Westbrook, kicks off its stay at the Bastrop Opera House Jan. 24. Based on the Academy Award-winning movie, the stage play reimagines William Shakespeare’s creative process — and explores his imagination — as he writes “Romeo and Juliet.” Tickets can be found through bastropoperahouse. org.
FEB. 1
BASTROP — Join C&S Cigar Lounge and the owners of Chaffiot Collection Feb. 1, from 3 to 7 p.m., at 705 Pine St. and enjoy all of the premium cigars they have to offer. Chaffiot will donate a portion of all proceeds to anti-human trafficking organizations.