God’s love is life-changing, and believers’ lives continue as a work in progress.
The Apostle Paul understood this and asked God to grant all believers strength and power through the Holy Spirit. Every day we find there is more to know and apply as we continue growing toward maturity.
Paul also prayed that believers be rooted and firmly established in love — and that they would know the Messiah’s love “that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19) I love to break down scripture passages, using basic English grammar techniques and research tools to discover word meanings.
Ephesians 2:4 says God has great love for us. In 3:1 Paul again says “for this reason…” and we read his prayer for faithful believers, desiring their inner strength and awareness of Christ’s living within us.
This provides a foundation that is solid, rooted and grounded in His love, and all these benefits come together to allow us one specific purpose — to glorify God.
Yet still, we all continue having struggles in life, and questions remain. Adversity touches us, difficulties happen and chaos challenges our faith.
Do you ever quietly ask these or similar questions? Creeping doubts? Subtle or not-so-subtle fears? Do you wonder where to find security in this ever-changing world, or wonder what is trustworthy?
To help me during such times, I take a moment to clarify my value and worth, reminding myself that my Father God is one who loves and values me. He is my audience- of-One.
We must have a solid foundation — like much of the topography of the hill country of Texas, a foundation that is rocksolid and firm. Sturdy, not shifting sands or murky mud.
How would you rate your security of knowing God loves you? What must change for you to trust God? Consider these facts:
• God loved us first, before the foundation of the world, and desires us to become born-again.
• God demonstrated His love.
Because He loved us first, we may trust Him.
If you continue to mistrust, perhaps you should examine your understanding of God’s love for you. This is a personal journey each must take.
I pray you will discover His love today.
Until next week, Anita
Onarecker, a writer, author and minister to women and adults, earned a Master of Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007.