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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 6:17 PM

MLK walk, school cancelled — shelters open

BASTROP — Freezing temperatures and the threat of icy roads may have kept MLK marchers out of the streets, but the communit y still managed to come together to honor his dream and support Bastrop County’s next generation of leaders.

The 36t h Annual Bastrop County Mart i n Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Walk for Peace, Justice and Equality was set to make its return to Bastrop Jan. 20 — before chilling overnight winds dropped to 24 degrees and projected snowfall saw event organizers cancel the walk early out of “concern for the health and welfare” of residents.

Despite the cold snap, a celebration of MLK’s life and legacy continued as planned in the Bastrop Convention Center, collecting funding for local high school seniors.

Along with the scholarships, students in the area were treated to an extended weekend, as both Elgin and Bastrop Independent School Dis t r ic t s cance l led classes and activities Tuesday, Jan. 21, after the national holiday off.

Bastrop ISD’s monthly board meeting was also rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 28.

Cold weather shelters

Due to the frigid inclement condit ions, several cold weather shelters have opened up their doors to provide warmth and aid for locals in need.

• Calvary Episcopal Church, 1028 Main St. in Bastrop

• In The Streets Hands Up High Ministries, 987 N. Texas 95 in Bastrop

• Elgin Open Door Mission, 108 Depot St. in Elgin


Elgin Courier