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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 2:24 PM


Jesus Gives Us His Kingdom
Jesus Gives Us His Kingdom

To have a kingdom, you must have a king. In the Old Testament, the Lord gave lofty promises about a future King coming who would be like King David, only better. When Jesus came, He didn’t seem to fit the bill. The wise men could content themselves with Jesus as King, but not Israel. That little baby didn’t really seem like much of a king, even less after He grew up. Jesus said, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20). Nothing regal about that.

08/15/2023 11:00 PM
Initial attempts to dig beside the cistern were abandoned because of wall instability after three visitors from Florida and a dog fell into the hole, investigators said. Photo by Hunter Dworaczyk
Plunge into cistern during hog hunt leaves three people, dog dead
08/10/2023 03:06 PM
Deputies retrieving 3 bodies in Bastrop County
Deputies retrieving 3 bodies in Bastrop County
08/09/2023 04:58 PM
Remote-controlled thermostat manipulation
Remote-controlled thermostat manipulation

Some providers taking liberty in home energy conservation

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
Bastrop back to school with new tech
Bastrop back to school with new tech

BASTROP – Bastrop Independent School District launches a new program with the coming school year, putting laptops in the hands of students.

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
Community Calendar
Community Calendar

BASTROP – Bastrop City Summerfest will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bastrop First Assembly of God Church, 609 Pecan Street in Bastrop. During the final Summerfest for the entire community of Bastrop County, volunteers will be giving out backpacks to all the children. There will also be a water slide bouncy house and a regular bouncy house. The event is free and open to the community. For more information, email [email protected].

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
Council re-signs dispatching contract
Council re-signs dispatching contract

Noble sees value in outsourcing 911 calls

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
New blackland of Bastrop
New blackland of Bastrop

Powder Keg Pine and Mesquite wildfires burn over 150 acres

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
Garden Club names Yard of the Month
Garden Club names Yard of the Month
08/08/2023 11:00 PM
Local ranchers to fight proposed wells
Local ranchers to fight proposed wells

A dispute between business neighbors leaves the land damaged

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
City Cafe
City Cafe

My grandmother was Gladys Smith, who was a waitress at The City Cafe in the early 1940s. Between the lunch and dinner runs, she would sit in one of the big windows facing Main Street and smoke a cigarette.

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
God Wants Us to Hallow His Name
God Wants Us to Hallow His Name

The First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed be Thy name,” sounds obscure to our modern ears, but it simply means, “Dear Father in heaven, let Your name be hallowed – let Your name be kept holy.” We can’t make God’s name holy by our prayer; it’s already holy in itself, as we pray in Psalm 103, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name!” So in the Lord’s Prayer we are asking that God would cause us here on earth to keep His holy name holy. On the other hand, it is possible for us to treat His name as unholy, so we are praying that He would prevent His name from being profaned or defiled among us. God’s name is holy in itself, but when it is misused by people, it’s like taking a beautiful diamond ring and covering it with mud; the diamond is still precious, but its beauty and value cannot be seen by others because it is covered by the profane mud.

08/08/2023 11:00 PM
